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The dartboard will randomly display a number for the player to hit. The starting marks for each
player are 11, 12, 13...20 marks depending on the option selected. One mark will be deducted for
each correct hit. The first player who reaches zero wins. If a player does not hit the dartboard
within 10 seconds, the dart is regarded as a miss and the dartboard will automatically change to
another random number for the player to hit for the next dart.
Each round calls out a designated number or area to hit. They are:
Round 1
– 12
Round 6
– 16
Round 10
– 19
Round 2
– 13
Round 7
– 17
Round 11
– 20
Round 3
– 14
Round 8
– Triple (any)
Round 12
– Bullseye
Round 4
– Double (any) Round 9 – 18
Round 13
–Double Bullseye
Round 5
– 15
Points are accumulated by any segment of the designated number for each round. For example:
In the first round, a player must hit 12. Single 12 = 12 points, Double 12 = 24 points, and Triple 12
= 36 points. In round 4 player can choose any double (all three darts can hit a different double
and score), and in round 8, player can choose any triple. If player misses the designated number
or area with all three darts in any round, the player’s total score is cut in half. The winner is the
player with highest score.
G30 OVERS (Game options of O-7, O-8, O-9, 25/50 & 50/50 Bull )
Before starting the game you must select the number of players and your desired option.
The options are the number of lives, see the chart below.
No. of Lives
player takes turn throwing 3 darts, the highest score will become the “leader's score”.
Players are required to hit equal or over the “leader's score” to save their life. If a player's score
is over the “leader's score”, a life is safe and the “leader's score” will be updated as the new
target for all the players. The leader has an opportunity to choose whether he/she want to
challenge the “leader's score” or not. If he/she fail to challenge the “leader's score”, a life is lost.
The leader can directly press the NEXT PLAYER button to pass his/her turn. If a player loses all
his/her lives he/she is out of the game. The remaining players continue the game until one player
is left with lives. That player is the winner.
G31 UNDERS (Game options of U-7, U-8, U-9, 25/50 & 50/50 Bull)
Before starting the game you must select the number of players and your desired option.
The options are the number of lives, see the chart below.
No. of Lives
The rules follow exactly as the Overs game EXCE
PT the “leader's score” is the lowest score for
each turn. A missed dart should be counted as 60 by pressing the Miss button.