20 - Hydrogen water - not just for drinking!
As opposed to alkaline activated water from a classic water ionizer, the pH value of the treated water
remains the same. Hydrogen water can also be slightly acidic, although not as much hydrogen will be stored
like with alkaline water. We have measured, for example, with a slightly acidic, reverse osmosis water a
clearly lower hydrogen content to a slightly alkaline mineral water like Aqua Panna: the ratio is 1,2 ppm to
1,9 ppm with the mineral water.
Drink up to 0,3 l of water per 10 kg of bodyweight daily. With high temperatures and / or strenuous physical
activity respectively more. Preferably use alkaline water. Optimal would be water from an
that already makes filtered, alkaline water which contains 0,6 to 1,2 ppm of hydrogen. Then the
Hydrogen Booster
can store more hydrogen thanks to its high pressure technique and this water
is then suitable for laying foods in:
Lay fruit, salads, cut flowers, raw eggs and vegetables in fresh, hydrogen rich, electrolysis water for 15-30
minutes. These refresh themselves by absorbing hydrogen, which is even absorbed through eggshells. With the
absorption of hydrogen does the ORP of the foods sink, something the foods inspector Dr. Manfred Hoffmann
regards as a sign of higher quality of nourishment. Mix milk powders, diet powders, fitness powders etc. with
hydrogen water. Dissolve mineral and vitamin mixes with this water. Also like this the ORP sinks favourably
thanks to the dissolved hydrogen.
Buy juice concentrates - preferably organic. Like this you put an end to carrying the juice cartons and
consequential pollution. No seller on the market can deliver juices with a better ORP. See: Asenbaum, K. H.,
Electro Activated Water, Munich 2016, page 42 ff.
Mix alcoholic drinks and cocktails with hydrogen water. They become milder, the taste can be appreciated
more. Make ice-cubes out of hydrogen water.
After alcohol intake drink 2 glasses in the evening as well as 2 glasses the next morning on an empty stomach.
Give your pets (dogs, cats …) hydrogen rich electrolysis water to drink and observe how their fur and general
health is positively improved.