7. Water valve parts may be dirty or compo-
nents damaged.
Note: If #4 is OK, skip this.
Water valve and component parts must be to-
tally free of dirt. In hard water areas, mineral
deposits can eventually (3-5 years) corrode
water valve parts to a point where they will need
Note: there is a small bleed hole
under the gas valve at the seam where it is con-
nected to the water valve assembly. Any sign
of corrosion at this location is a sign that the
water valve assembly components need to be
replaced immediately. Water valve for Model
170 (38411) consists of parts #33071 and
38475. Contact service person to service the
water valve.
not occur. A plumbing crossover can be caused
by a bad washer at a single lever faucet,
incorrect piping or an automatic mixing valve in
the line which permits hot and cold water to mix
in the plumbing. The crossover will create a
back pressure in the system preventing the
pressure drop in the AquaStar - i.e. cold water
is entering the water valve from both sides and
the burners will not come on. To confirm there
is no crossover in the plumbing, shut off the cold
water supply to the AquaStar. Open your hot
water taps. There should not be any water
flowing. If there is water flowing, there is a
crossover in the plumbing. This is a plumbing
problem, not an AquaStar problem. Please
contact your plumber.
1. Thermostat calibration is incorrect or
thermostat is defective
The thermostat is not maintaining the proper
burner output for the water flow and the heater
is overheating. When this happens, the ECO
safety trips and shuts off the main gas supply.
After the heat exchanger cools, the ECO re-
sets and the pilot can be relighted. In order to
check the calibration, see page 20. If the ther-
mostat cannot be calibrated properly, it is de-
fective and must be replaced (see page 21).
1. Pilot is not on.
Light the pilot. See lighting instructions.
2. Pilot lighting push button not turned to
proper position
When the pilot flame is on , be sure that the
push button is released fully and is turned to
the right on the burner position (3 flames sym-
3. Cold incoming water connection made to
wrong side of heater
Make sure cold water inlet connection is on the
right side of heater when you are facing the
4. Water flow rate at hot water tap is too low.
Note: The AquaStar model 170 requires 1.1
gallons per minute flow to activate the burners.
This is a flow which can fill a quart jar in 12
seconds or a gallon in 48 seconds.
5. Cold water inlet screen on heater is dirty.
Remove this screen (M in Figure 2, page 6)
and clean it.
6. Crossover in household plumbing
The AquaStar burner activates when there is
sufficient water pressure drop in the AquaStar
water valve assembly when a hot water faucet
is opened. If there is a plumbing crossover, the
necessary pressure drop in the AquaStar will
Attach a multimeter lead on the thermocouple
copper tubing below the head, and attach the
other meter lead on the ends of both the wires.
Light the pilot and take a reading on the meter.
If it reads less than 24 mv, replace the thermo-
couple. If the reading is 24 mv or over, the
thermocouple is good.
To test the electromagnet, reconnect the ther-
mocouple and take another reading. The read-
ing should drop to about 14 mv. If it does not,
replace the electromagnet.