User manual S200 WCS
Update August 2021
The controller output is switched to pulse frequency via the pulse frequency setting. A setting
of 0 p/h switches the controller to pulse interval controller. The numerical value, e.g. 36 p/h,
means that 3600 pulses/hour are released at 100% dosing capacity.
7 . 2 . 6 Pu l s e inte r va l c ontr ol
/Basic settings/Control param./Setting control.1/
With the setting of the pulse interval time, the total pulse interval time is determined. Given a
controlled variable of 50%, this means pulse and interval time are of equal length if the value
is set to 10 sec. In this case, it would be 5 seconds.
A controlled variable of 0% means that there is no pulse.
A controlled variable of 100% means that there is no interval.
7 . 2 . 7 Minim um p uls e
/Basic settings/Control param./Setting control.1/
The setting
“Minimum pulse” determines the smallest pulse width for a pulse interval
controller. This is in particular important for larger actuators, as short pulses cannot be
The minimum pulse time must not exceed 25% of the pulse interval time.
7 . 2 . 8 Se t tin g o f c on tro l p ar am e te rs
Select the function
“Controller setting” in the main menu.
/Controller setting/
Use the
key to select the desired controller setting.