North Sports, Inc. #1 North Shore Dr, SE White Salmon, WA 98672 TEL: (509) 493-4938 FAX: (509) 493-4966
VII. Operation
1. To operate the Supersport™ it is only necessary to have 1 person
on board. It is possible to have up to 2 people as long as the maximum
weight capacity, 181 kg (400 lbs.), is observed.
2. Know your limits. When piloting your own craft, you are solely respon-
sible for your safety. Inexperienced users should be extremely cautious
about the risks as well as the location and conditions they choose to
operate in. Calm waterways without waves, tides or currents are the
best place to start. Gentle, steady winds and stable weather will help to
ensure an enjoyable experience.
3. When sailing the Supersport™, a sitting position offers the best con-
trol and stability.
stand up while sailing.
4. As with all sailboats, there is a possibility of capsize. To prevent this,
all users should position themselves toward the centerline of the hull
on the windward side of the boat. The windward side is closest to the
direction the wind is coming from. As the boat changes directions, all
users will need to reposition themselves in order to maintain this position
relative to the wind.
5. When sailing, it is generally not necessary to adjust, or ‘trim’, the main
sheet strap when underway. This allows users to focus on steering.
Tension the main sheet strap as needed, tightening for better upwind
sailing, loosening to improve speed and downwind sailing angles.
6. If the Supersport™ should capsize, instruct all users to climb aboard
the inverted hull as it provides floatation, even upside down. It is
possible to self-right the craft by standing at one side of the hull while
quickly squatting and pulling on the sailing bridle from the opposite side.
The goal is to partially sink one side of the hull while pulling the opposite
side up and over. Once the boat is righted, climb aboard and resume
7. When sailing or windsurfing, the general principles of sailing apply.
Refer to the diagram below. Sailing upwind (in the direction the wind is
coming from) must be done using a series of ‘tacks’, gradually working
the boat in an upwind direction. It is not possible to sail directly into the
wind. The boat should be in this orientation only momentarily, during
a direction change or tack. Prepare for a tack by warning other users
of the imminent turn. Approach with some speed and steer the boat
purposefully into the wind, continuing the turn until the wind catches the
sail on the new side and the boat gathers speed again. During the tack,
users change positions so as to remain on the windward side of the
boat. When sailing downwind always remain mindful of the wind direc-
tion, as a downwind turn, or ‘jibe’, will cause the sail to rotate rapidly.
An unintentional jibe can catch users on the downwind side of the
boat, increasing the possibility of capsize, especially in stronger wind
Sailing Supersport™ - Strong Breeze