Locating your Inpond All-in-One
The Inpond pump and filter should be located on a firm and level base in the pond/water
feature in a depth of at least 4”, but no more than 4’10” for the 300 model and 4’9” for the
600 model.
Make sure there is ample cable from the transformer. Place product in desired location.
Using the telescopic pipe adjust so the fountain head is above the surface of the pond.
Fountain height can now be adjusted, see ‘Adjusting flow control’ diagram below. See
‘’Getting to know your Inpond’’ for parts and descriptions.
Ensure that any fountain or feature fitted does not empty water out of pond/water feature.
Adjusting Flow Control
Turn clockwise to increase anti-
clockwise to reduce flow.
The flow control
valve is fitted with
a diverter to ensure
there is always
pond circulation.
Inpond 300 Inpond 600
Adjust bell by moving head higher
for small bell and lower for a
wider bell shape.
600/900 series
Bell Fountain
Adjusting Dual Control T Piece and telescopic riser pipe
Adjust height by unlocking collar then pushing or
pulling 30cm telescopic riser pipe. Optional additional
20cm extensions can be added to increase the height.
Outlet Flow Control Valve
Supply water features, waterfalls and filters by adding
1” 3/4” 1/2” fittings and hose. Adjust flow by turning
flow control valve.
Fountain Flow Control Valve
Adjust fountain jet flow by turning flow control valve.
Fountain Ball Joint
Adjust the collar of the ball joint to enable
the extensions to be moved compensating
for an uneven pond floor.