Speed Grease
Cable Lube
This waterproof blue lubricant — with specially formulated,
“non sling” properties — reduces friction and wear on the
cable and direct drive systems in electric and nitro boats.
The kit form of this Mike “Grimracer” Zaborowski design took the fi rst of its 10 titles at the 2000 IMPBA Internats. Now,
you can enjoy the same title-taking performance (and top-drawer construction features) in an ARR. The built-up wood
sponsons and wood-over-foam center hull section are both warp-resistant, and fi nished in a high-gloss clearcoat.
GrimRacer performance hardware (from stainless steel pull-pull cables to the cowl thumbscrews) is evident throughout,
and the fuel tank (which holds 8 fl . oz.) was “Grim” designed specifi cally for .21 tunnel hulls. Wanna make racing against
you a “grim” prospect for your competitors? Then get yours now!
Assemble a competition-class wood
tunnel hull in just 6-8 hours!
Hull Length:
28 in (711 mm)
11 in (280 mm)
5.25 in (130 mm)
Ready-to-Run Weight:
4 lb (1814 g)
2+ channel radio with one high-torque
standard servo and one mini servo,
.21 cu in (3.5 cc) outboard engine