After each day of operation we feel it’s best to remove the motor,
fl ush it out with a moisture displacer and re-oil the bearings. You
are going to need the following tools and supplies.
12mm open end wrench
10mm open end wrench
1.5mm hex wrench
2.5mm hex wrench
Wa ter displacer (WD-40,
CRC-56 or Corrosion X)
Bearing oil
Paper towel
Start by removing the radio box. Taking the box out is not
necessary but it does make this procedure a lot easier to do:
1. Use a set of pliers to detach the ball link off of
the tiller arm. Just rotate it and it will pop off.
2. Unscrew the ball link, counting
the turns as you remove it.
3. Pull the water pickup line off of the
transom mounted water pickup.