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B-KALK4us.DOC, Seite 3, Aug. 11 

8. Now start the air supply. For the right volume, see technical data. 
Every time you must see bubbles in the sediment tube (4). 
9. Reduce the incoming water (5) to the optimum. For the right vol-
ume, see technical data. 
10. Start the CO


 supply carefully. If the 


 Control is mounted 

the solenoid will start after some seconds. Open the needle valve at 
the pressure relief valve carefully. You see the incoming bubbles at 
the bottom of the CO


 tube. The needed bubbles per time depends 

on the water inlet flow, the pH in the reactor and if the 



trol is mounted.  

The right volumes for incoming water, air and CO



Water Inlet: 


The power of the 


 Chalk Reactor should be controlled by 

the daily operation time. Do not reduce the incoming water! 
Otherwise the circulation pump will be damaged. 

The pump for 

the incoming water should be in operation 24 hours per day. (If you 
stop the circulation pump the reactor would not be de-aerated within 
the brakes.) 
The optimum incoming water of the AquaCare 

Turbo Chalk Reac-


s in liters per hour: 

Size 1 

Size 2 

Size 3 

4-5 l/h 

1-1.3 US gal/h 

8-10 l/h 

2.1-2.6 US gal/h 

20-25 l/h 

5.3-6.6 US gal/h 

Please take this optimum volumes. If the water in the reactor be-


 and very turbid, the incoming water must be raised. 

Otherwise the circulation pump get a damage. For raising the in-
coming water please open the ball valve (5) in the inlet. If the ball 
valve is totally open, please take a larger incoming pump. Optional 
you can use volume meters (size 2-5). 

The air supply for the neutralizing tube: 


The more air comes into the neutralizing tube the higher the pH of 
the out coming water (maximum pH 7,3). The air supply should be 
in action all the time. The proper function of the air pump should be 
controlled in the sediment tube- every time you must see bubbles in 
the sediment tube.  
If the pH of the out coming water (not the internal water at the 
probe connector) is higher than 7,3 you have to reduce the air input. 
If the pH is below 7,0 you must force the air input (use a stronger 

The right CO


 volume WITHOUT 



Please regulated the CO


 volume that after the operation time of the 

reactor any CO


 will be sucked by the circulation pump. But after 

the operation time a big CO


 bubble should be in the CO


 tube. If 

too less CO


 is in the reactor, the system will not work properly. At-

tention! At the beginning the reactor needs much CO


 – at the end 

of an operation period the system needs less CO



The right CO


 volume WITH 



If a control is mounted you need more CO


 volume. If you start the 

reactor and the control (timer ON) the solenoid will start after some 
seconds. Please raise the CO

volume per time that the control will 

shut off the CO


 input after 1-2 minutes after the start. If the 



Chalk Reactor needs more CO


 the solenoid will start again 

Sometime it is possible to reduce the ball valve (13) at the CO



if the water in the CO


 tube contains many very small bubbles 

(foam). If these fine bubble occur the control will not work prop-

The power of the  

Turbo Chalk Reactor



The power of the 

Turbo Chalk Reactor

s should be 

controlled with the operation time. Do not lower or raise the wa-
ter inlet! 

Maximum power is reached with two hours operation - 15 

minutes pause - two hours operation.... For a normal reef aquarium 
you need 2 - 6 hours operation time per day. If the aquarium con-
tains very many living hard corals the operation time can raise up to 
20 hours. For the first two months control the carbonate hardness 
(alkalinity) every week. The optimum is between 8 and 12°dH 

(German hardness) or 2.8 to 4.3 mval. The reactor may produce a 
light turbidity in the aquarium. It is pure calcium carbonate and it is 
not dangerous. To prevent the turbidity, take some very fine filter 
material at the outlet of the water. 
To control the daily operation time please use a simple timer. 


this timer control the circulation pump and the CO


 supply. Air 

supply and incoming water should operate 24 hours a day.


Please start with a low operation time (2 hours per day). The 
power of the AquaCare 

Turbo Chalk Reactor

 is very high com-

pared to other systems!


Carbonate hardness should not be below 5°dH (alkalinity 1.8), the 
calcium concentration not below 400 mg/l (ppm). KH above 15°dH 
(alkalinity 5.3) and calcium above 500 mg/l (ppm) can cause nega-
tive effects in the reef aquarium. If only one parameter is to low, 
raise it with other compounds, e.g. AquaCare Care System „KH-
plus“ or Super Buffer, „Calcium-plus“ or calcium hydroxide solu-
tion „Kalkwasser“. Ensure that the magnesium concentration is op-
The maximum carbonate hardness and calcium concentration de-
pends on the pH of the aquarium water. Normally you can reach 
10°dH and 400 mg/l calcium. The average pH of the aquarium 
would raise a little bit after some days operation of the reactor. If 
the pH of the aquarium is too high reduce the air volume of the neu-
tralizing tube. 


To have an optimum system you must do some maintenance work. 
Otherwise the power is not high or some parts may damage. 

Daily control of CO



(measure the incoming water or use a volume 


Daily de-aeration of the reactor

: for de-aerating the reactor you 

have to stop the circulation pump once a day (or use a simple timer) 
- without stopping the incoming water. After 2-15 minutes all gases 
are out of the reactor. 

Weekly to monthly: fill up the calcite tube with 




Stop the circulation pump and the CO


 supply. Open the calcite tube 

(2), take off the blue filter sponge (11), wash it out and fill up the 
calcite tube. The material dissolves totally with the time - you only 
fill new material to the old.  

If the sediment tube is full:

 stop the system, disassemble the tubes 

from the sediment tube (B, C), take the tube from the mounting 
plate, open the tube at the cap and clean it. Assemble the system af-
ter cleaning. 

Every year:

 clean the neutralizing tube, change the air stone (12) 

and clean the CO



Some tips 

Take some 


 for the 


 of the tubes. It is more easier to 

open them.  
Take some 


 for all 


 to have gas tight connections. 

Reduce the power

 of the reactor if carbonate hardness is more than 

15°dH (5.3 mval) or calcium more than 500 mg/l (ppm). You can 
save electrical power, CO


 and spare parts. 

The reactor should



once a day

. Otherwise the cal-

cite material can block. 


 in the aquarium water can stop after using a fine filter 

material in the outlet of the reactor or by reducing the circulation 
water flow (valve 13). 
You can 

save CO


 if you stop the CO


 supply ½  to 1 hour before 

stopping the circulation pump (you need a second timer).  
If the air supply would be not in order the out coming water of the 
reactor is too low (5.2-5.5). To prevent damage in the aquarium use 
a pH control. If the pH in aquarium is below e.g. 7.9 the AquaCare 
reactor should stop totally.  


You have 24 months warranty on all AquaCare units excepts spare 
parts like air stones, pump parts and granules. You have no war-
ranty if parts are broken by violent (for example totally closed water 
inlet). If you send a warranty unit to AquaCare please send the 
dated receipt, too.

