Operating your MAV
To begin operating your MAV unit,
release the camera housing from the
PowerSpool by unhooking the rubber strap located on end of PowerSpool.
In order to turn the unit on and begin viewing, it is not necessary to turn on the
MAV LCD Monitor. Instead, simply press the main Power button
, which is
located on the left side of PowerSpool panel. The red Power status light should be illuminated, indicating
that the unit it ON and ready to deploy.
Simply press the down button on the Footpad to lower camera into the water. As soon as the camera
leaves the PowerSpool “home” position, the MAV LCD Monitor will be turned on, showing you a live
video display. It will also show on-screen water temperature and depth-- at
camera level. While the camera descends, follow its on-screen depth until it
reaches the desired level.
: MAV is specially programmed to detect
bottom. Once the camera has contacted bottom or another solid object that
places slack into the camera cable, the PowerSpool will no longer release
additional cable. Tighten the cable by lightly depressing the UP pad.
For optimal viewing performance, it is best to drift or slowly motor along at up to 2 mph. The Stabilizing
Fin and Ballast Weights work together to keep the MAV camera tracking straight ahead. As long as the
boat is moving, the lens will always point in the direction of boat travel. If you’re moving forward, the
camera will show you what is directly ahead of the boat.
During initial use, we recommend using the MAV over areas of relatively flat bottom, with minor depth
variation. This will allow you to more easily become familiar with moving the camera up or down as
bottom contours change. With a bit of experience, you will become more comfortable raising and lower-
ing the MAV camera with the Footpad, particularly while viewing in areas such as along drop offs.
MAV Features
Quick-Detach Base
– Your MAV PowerSpool unit includes the Quick-Detach mounting plate. After dis-
connecting MAV from its 3 connections, brace the PowerSpool, and pull out the Quick-Detach pin on the
underside of the unit. This releases the Quick-Detach lock, and allows you to slide it (toward the boat)
off its track. This feature lets you quickly and easily stow the MAV when not in use, or for trailering
your boat with a cover on.
- This on-screen feature displays water temperature at the depth of the MAV camera.
Coupled with Depth-Tech on-screen display of depth, this feature provides valuable information on fish
location and patterns, as well as revealing the locations of temperature breaks, such as the thermocline.
Nature Vision, Inc. © 2006, Pg 8