Adjustment at the transformer:
The flow rate can be adjusted at the transformer to the level 6 / 9 / 12 V. When operating with
6 V, we recommend firstly to select 9 or 12 V and then re-set to 6 V.
The pump is open at the front. Therefore, it should never be started uncontrolled, e. g.
via a time switch.
Animals could be in the sucking in basket and they could be injured or killed by
the starting propeller.
There is an opening at the rear wall for inserting the current pump. First, insert the rubber O-ring
into the hole of the filter chamber (not from the aquarium side). Now, the pump (hold it slightly
slanting) has to be pushed into the retaining O-ring. No further fixing of the pump is necessary. Set
the transformer to a low voltage for startup.
Fig. 1. NanoProp 5000 in filter chamber
4. Turboflotor Blue 500
The skimmer is hung on the middle separating wall of the filter chamber.
4.1. Product description
The Turboflotor Blue 500 consists of the following parts:
- foam cup and lid
- a venturi pump AQ 750 incl. AB Aqua Medic mesh wheel
- 8 mm hose incl. sound absorber