Aqua Lung America, Inc. recommends that you bring your regulator to your
Authorized Aqua Lung Dealer for the installation of any accessory items, including ins-
trumentation, LP quick disconnect hoses, and alternate air sources.
: Whatever the connector, when pressurizing your scuba system, be
sure to open the cylinder valve slowly to minimize the generation of heat. Failure
to do so, with enriched air nitrox (EAN) present, increases the risk of combus-
tion that can lead to serious injury or death.
: It is considered a safe practice, especially when using EAN, to open
the cylinder valve slowly and let the first stage pressurize slowly. Rapid pressuri-
zation causes adiabatic compression of the breathing gas, which generates heat
inside the first stage. Heat, along with elevated percentages of oxygen and an
ignition source (from contamination) are the ingredients that can cause com-
bustion. This is why it is necessary to keep the interior of the regulator clean
and the fraction of oxygen below 40% along with the slow opening of the valve.
B a c k t o t h e c o n t e n t s