CAutioN: use only a plastic (pn 103102) or brass
o-ring removal tool (pn 944022) when removing
o-rings to prevent damage to the sealing surface.
even a small scratch across an o-ring sealing
surface could result in leakage. Once an o-ring
sealing surface has been damaged, the part must
be replaced with new. DO NOT use a dental pick
or any other steel instrument.
4. The following acronyms are used throughout
the manual:
is Medium Pressure;
is High
is Low Pressure.
5. Numbers in parentheses reference the key
numbers on the exploded parts schematics. For
example, in the statement, “...remove the o-ring
(16) from the valve body...”, the number (16) is the
key number to the o-ring.
note: Before performing any disassembly, refer
to the exploded parts drawing, which references
all mandatory replacement parts. these parts
should be replaced with new and must not be
reused under any circumstances, regardless of
the age of the regulator or how much use it has
received since it was last serviced.