Multiple pocket type dust collector
Probable cause
Air volume is less
than original design
Air leaks in the system
Check for leaks in the ducting and connections.
Seal leaks.
Ducting and / or filter
envelope obstructed
Check filter envelope for clogs, debris, etc. Check for
clogs in ducting system and gates. Repair, clean or
modify if necessary.
Rapid deterioration
of filter envelope
Temperature is higher
than normal in
Check filtered air temperature. Bring necessary
corrections to obtain proper temperatures.
Dust filtered is not
compatible with filter
Check for dust properties to be filtered. A.Q.C. Inc
representative or consultant will guide you for
compatible filter. Replace if necessary.
Presence of humidity
in filtered air
Reduce or modify humidity factor.
Replace filter envelope.
Clog in hopper section Find the clog and clean hopper.
Incorrect installation
of filter envelope
Examine the filter envelope and locate damages caused
by a faulty installation. Repair or replace filter envelope
if necessary.
Abrasion of filter
envelope due to
high inlet velocity
Examine the filter envelope for holes or punctures.
If needed, install a diffuser at air inlet.