EZ Gig instructions for Windows 7 & Vista
Windows 7 and Vista User Account Control helps stop unauthorized
changes to your computer. The User Account Control window pops up in
Administrator Approval Mode whenever a program tries to run on your
Windows system.
When the User Account Control window pops up there will be a warning
symbol and message that reads, “A program needs your permission to
continue.” The instructions will read “If you started this program, Continue.”
Please click the Continue button and proceed to the EZ Gig Start-Up
Changing the default “Power Options”
Be default the Windows 7 operating system will “Turn display off” after 20
minutes and “Put the computer to sleep” after 1 hour of keyboard or mouse
inactivity. It will take more than 20 minutes to clone most of today’s larger
hard drives. If the system goes into display is turned off or the computer
goes to sleep during the clone, your clone may fail. This will not damage
your original hard drive in any way but you will have to restart the cloning
process. To avoid this issue change the default “Power Options” before
starting the backup on Windows 7 Systems.
From your Window Start menu type “Power Options” in the “Start Search
bar” and the “Power Options” program will be listed in the results window.
Alternately you can go to Start Menu – Control Panel – Power Options.
Click on “Power Options” to launch the program. On the left window click
on “Choose when to turn off display” and make the changes as listed
Turn Display Off
Put computer to sleep
Once you have completed the clone go to “Power Options” and restore the
default settings.