Document 4400Q902 version 1.02
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RX2000 User Manual
The observation cell
The observation cell has the same external dimensions of standard 10 mm x 10 mm spectrometer cuvette, but is
specially designed with an integral mixer and orthogonal viewing ports which allow use of either 2 mm or 10 mm
pathlengths. The observation cell is connected to the drive syringes via the flow distribution valves using small
diameter FEP tubing.
The two supply lines and one return line together with a thermostating tube are all encased in an umbilical which
is corrugated for extra strength and flexibility. Two ports allow the thermostat bath to be connected to an external
constant temperature circulator. The inlet port (i.e. the lower of the two ports) is connected to a tube which runs
the full length of the umbilical. (The umbilical is an extension of the thermostat bath so that reagents are
thermostatted all the way to the observation cell). The return flow is contained within the umbilical case which
brings the thermostat medium back to the bath. The temperature of the thermostat medium is displayed on a
The RX2000 Stopped-Flow Mixing Accessory can be upgraded with a pneumatic drive attachment, which may
be used as required to provide powerful and reproducible stopped-flow drives.
An optional anaerobic accessory is available to facilitate the rigorous exclusion of oxygen from the flow circuit if
RX2000 specifications
DuoCell: Purpose designed micro-cell fitted with four observation windows.
Cell material:
Silica (cell body and windows).
Flow circuit:
Chemically inert (silica, glass and fluoro-carbon).
Optical axis:
15 mm above the cuvette base.
An efficient twin-jet mixer is an integral part of the DuoCell.
Dual pathlength, 10 mm and 2 mm.
Large area window, 40 mm²
Observation volume is 60 µL
Volume per shot:
From 120 µL per reactant.
Drive syringe:
2.5 ml Kloehn.
Mixing ratio:
1:1 as standard but other ratios can be obtained by substituting alternative syringes.
Manual or Pneumatic (optional extra).
Temperature range:
4° to 60°C
LCD display of temperature with 0.1°C precision.
Trigger output:
TTL, open collector and switch contact are provided.
Power supply:
9 volt battery (type PP3 or equivalent).
5 pin DIN socket
pin 1 - open collector
pin 2 - ground (0 volts)
pin 3 - +5 volts, 1 ms duration (TTL)
pin 4 - microswitch contact