HyperTerminal) can be used to establish communication with the controller board. Make sure that your
communication software is set to the proper COM port and that its settings conform to the following:
9600 baud
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No handshaking
Once the hardware connection is established and the communication software is running, applying
power to the controller board will result in the following message being displayed on the PC’s
communication software:
ELM624 v3.0
If you do not see this message in the communication software when power is applied to the controller
board, check your connections and make sure that your communication software is set correctly
(correct COM port, correct serial settings, etc.) and that you are using the correct (straight – through)
cable for connecting to the adapter.
Using the adapter
There are a host of commands that are available to configure the board for operation. These commands
are all detailed in ELM Electronics’ data sheet on the ELM624 controller chip (which is the heart of our
controller board). This datasheet can be downloaded from:
While you can customize these settings for your particular application, the default settings that are used
when power is applied to the controller board will give acceptable operation in many cases.
Sending LANC commands to the camera / camcorder
Once everything is configured and running, you are ready to start using the controller board for
controlling your LANC device. The following table of LANC commands represent some of the most
common commands that are available to control basic camera operation and/or recorder operation.
From the communication software on the PC, simply type in the 4 character code followed by the ENTER
Character Code
Zoom Out
Zoom In
Focus Auto/Manual Toggle
Manual Focus Farther