T25 Tube Compressor
API Select
A4 User Accessible Maintenance
A4.1 Tube Replacement
The T25 Tube Compressor features 12AT7WC and 12BH7 dual-triode vacuum tubes in each channel.
The factory installed tubes are selected at API for optimal performance.
All tubes are socketed and can be replaced if required.
Make sure power switch is off
Make sure the unit has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes before opening the chassis
Four screws on sides remove the lid and allow access to the printed circuit board
No user tube bias adjustments
A4.2 VU Meter Level Jumper
A marked internal jumper selects between 0VU = +4dBu and 0VU = +14dBu for the
meter (one per channel).
Make sure power switch is off
Make sure the unit has been unplugged for at least 5 minutes before opening the chassis
Four screws on sides remove the lid and allow access to the printed circuit board
No user calibration adjustments