AperturA
une
marque
de
Stentor
|
‐
Connecting
All
connections
should
be
made
with
your
amplifier,
and
ideally
the
rest
of
your
equipments,
switch
off.
The
choice
of
a
speaker
cable
is
quite
an
important
parameter
to
get
a
well
balanced
system.
Try
to
keep
it
as
short
as
possible.
Ask
your
AperturA
dealer
for
advice
when
choosing
cable.
Check
to
insure
the
correct
polarity
between
your
amplifier
and
speakers.
The
speakers
terminals
accept
banana
&
spade
plugs.
Important
:
In
the
the
use
of
banana
plugs
is
considered
a
potential
safety
hazard.
Such
plugs
may
be
inserted
into
the
holes
of
un
‐
shuttered
main
supply
sockets.
You
should
ensure
that
banana
plugs
cannot
be
used
in
an
unsafe
manner
by
children
or
other
uninformed
persons.
‐
Beak
‐
in
period
Your
speakers
have
an
initial
break
‐
in
period
before
reaching
their
full
performances.
During
this
break
‐
in
period
some
electro
‐
mechanical
parameters
(dielectric,
suspensions,
insulator…)
will
change
subtly
and
may
undergo
several
gradual
shifts
of
speaker
performances,
until
full
potential
is
reached.
The
time
taken
for
the
loudspeakers
to
achieve
their
intended
performances
will
be
around
‐
hours.
‐
Positioning
Important:
When
handling
your
loudspeakers
do
not
touch
the
drive
units
and
avoid
contact
with
any
tool
or
other
article.
4.1
‐
Speaker
placement
The
distance
between
the
two
speakers
should
be
no
less
than
2m.
The
listening
position
should
form
an
equilateral
triangle
with
the
two
speakers.
Adjusting
the
toe
‐
in
angle
of
the
speakers
is
useful
in
fine
tuning
according
to
your
personal
taste
and
your
listening
room
configuration.
When
the
speakers
are
facing
straight
forward,
they
tend
to
create
a
larger
sound
stage,
to
the
prejudice
of
the
image.
When
rotated
towards
the
listening
position,
the
image
becomes
more
compact
and
coherent.