Lab-Grade Instruments Designed Specifically For Growers
Lab-Grade Instruments Designed Specifically For Growers
Power on and remove the probe cap.
Rinse the probe with clean water and shake off excess water.
Submerge the probe into the solution, make a quick stir to remove
potential air bubbles around the sensor. Hold still and wait for the
reading to stabilize ( stays on the screen), then record the reading.
Short press to switch from EC→500ppm→700ppm
Thoroughly rinse off the probe with clean water.
What is EC and its relation to 500ppm & 700ppm?
EC (electrical conductivity) is a measure of the nutrients in the solution. Low conductivity implies a low
nutrient concentration, which usually results in nutritional deficiencies and slow growth rates of your
A higher conductivity is more food for your plants. However, be careful of very high levels as delicate plants,
cuttings, and seedlings can experience fertilizer burn if the conductivity is excessively high.
EC, 500ppm, and 700ppm are simply different units preferred by different markets. 500ppm and 700ppm
both originate from EC. Therefore, using EC to compare and analyze test result is the safest way and will
minimize confusion. Here is how they convert to each other:
1.0 (EC) = 500ppm (500ppm) = 700ppm (700ppm)
2.6 (EC) = 1300ppm (500ppm) = 1820ppm (700ppm)
3.5 (EC) = 1750ppm (500ppm) = 2450ppm (700ppm)
If you find white crystals inside or outside the probe cap, it is perfectly
normal. It is the 3M KCL soaking solution that crystalizes over time by its
nature. Just rinse them off and add in new soaking solution. This chemical
is not poisonous nor dangerous, and the probe’s performance will not be
affected at all.
If necessary, you can manually hold (lock)
the reading by short pressing . Press
it again to cancel the hold.
The tester will automatically power
off if there is no operation within 10
minutes. If you want to turn off/on
the Auto. Power Off function, power
off the tester, and then hold for
5 seconds until you see Auto off or
Auto on. Then it will power on and go
to measure mentmode automatically.
Long press to switch temp. unit
between °F and °C.
The tester is only as accurate as the probe is clean. Always thoroughly rinse off the probe before and after each
measurement with clean water in a container or with a wash bottle.
For tough contaminants, remove the sensor shield, soak the probe in Apera’s cleaning solution or detergent
water for 30 minutes. Then use a soft brush to remove the contaminants. Afterwards, soak the probe in 3M
KCL soaking solution for 1 hour. Rinse it off, then re-calibrate the tester before using again. These cleaning tools
can be found in the Probe Care Kit (see Section 15).
Under regular usage (daily or weekly use), make sure there
are several drops 3M KCL soaking solution in the probe cap,
and tightly close the cap with the O-ring.
For long-term storage (you are not going to use the product for more than a month),
add 3M KCL soaking solution to the Fill line in the cap and store the probe in it. Close
the probe cap tightly with the O-ring.
EC/500ppm/700ppm Measurement
Other Functions
Probe Cleaning
Probe Storage