1. Introduction
is the convertible harness/backpack by Apco.
The ChairBag is a sophisticated, super-light
dual-purpose harness
- a harness when flying and a backpack when traveling, all under 2.6kg
. The
ChairBag was designed for pilots on the go who want the
comfort and safety of a full feature harness for half
the weight.
Just flip the harness inside out, throw in your glider and you are ready to go. The professional
carrying system specially adapted at the body anatomy and ventilating better your back for more
comfortable, effortless hikes to take-off.
The ChairBag comes with a full-size seat plate
for maximum comfort and
weight shift control. Maximum pilot
protection insured by
integrated Cygnus air bag system with
specially designed one-way air valve.
Built-in hook up points for your reserve and integrated reserve compartment make this harness fully usable
for all flying styles. Floating seat geometry guarantees easy entry and exit during take off and landing
Fitted with
quick lock buckles
throughout and Aluminum
loop-and-slide adjusters
for easy in-flight use, the
ChairBag provides
lavish comfort where you least expect it.
The ChairBag 4 include a rescue pocket located under the seat board and a webbing system incorporating
four quick lock buckles – two for the legs, and two more connecting to a T-lock male part on the chest strap
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