SV-RTK - Instruction manual
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to the pipeline, as well as the need to transmit indications and the flow rate measurements. When choosing a
water meter the pressure loss caused by the installation is important as well.
5. Testing at the receipt
The water meter supplied by the manufacturer should be checked for possible external damage which
occurred during transport, especially the body and its threads and the counter cover, as well as the
transmitter cable (in the case of supply with pulse transmitter). Also check the labelling of the water meter.
The following markings are located on the counter disc, plaque or body of the water meter:
name and marking of a manufacturer
mark of test type according to MID
manufacturer's mark of type
water meter number
metrologic marking consists of an upper-case M and two last digits of the water meter year of
production when the marking was placed on the measurement instrument
flow direction, as an arrow
flow rate value Q3 per m
marking of measurement unit in m
(on the counter dial)
value of the maximum pressure loss ΔP
value of the upper pressure limit: MAP16
6. Conditions of correct installation of a water meter
Place of installation for water meters should be easily accessible for installation, deinstallation and operation,
reading indications, separated from utility and industrial rooms. Protected from negative atmospheric
conditions and protected from the influence of electrical and gas installations. In case there is no such place,
the water meter may be installed in the water meter well, and additionally the water meter and its equipment
should be installed far enough from the well bottom. The well should be fitted with a settling pond or a water
In the location of installation, the water meter cannot be at risk of being hit or be subjected to vibrations
caused by other devices in the vicinity, or subjected to high ambient air temperature, contamination, flooding
and corrosive action of the surroundings. Temperature in the installation location should not be lower than
°C. The water meter should be protected from influence of such hydraulic phenomena such as cavitation or
hydrodynamic water hammering.
Before, and after the water meter, provide the valves in order to cut off the water supply if there is need for
deinstallation or repair. Use valves which can entirely reveal the cross-section of a water pipe.
In case of expected water contamination during the time of operation install a filter or a settling tank between
a valve and a straight pipe section and before the water meter.
For an installation of a water meter which does not cause strain in the body it is recommended to use
compensative connectors installed at the output, which enable for the length reduction by extending the
telescopic connector sleeve.