Another menu will appear “Channel Scope Step
Freq(kHz)” inviting you to enter the channel step size
using kHz format. In this example input 25 kHz
A third menu will appear “Channel Scope End
Freq(MHz)” inviting you to enter the upper frequency
limit in MHz format. In this example input 124 MHz
The maximum span width (difference between upper and lower frequency limit) is 5000 kHz minus one
channel step.
Note: Should you wish to later change the start / end frequency or channel step, use the “FREQ”
key which is displayed on menu 4 while in channel scope mode.
6) Go to menu 4, use the
keys or
press the numeric key
. Press the
key to
select 5 kHz resolution (the default is 30 kHz... as the
channel step in this example is 25 kHz, it is best to
select a ‘RBW’ sampling rate which is smaller).
In place of “CF”, the legend “RF” RECEIVE
FREQUENCY is displayed. The receiver will monitor
“RF” which is default to the lower frequency of 120
MHz in this example. The span is automatically set
by the SDU5500 with the spectrum trace displayed
either side of the centre point, in this example the
span width is 4050 kHz (4.05 MHz).
In channel scope mode, the radio step and LCD-step are equal, in this example each step is 25 kHz.
Only a small area in the centre of the LCD will be employed, as only wanted frequencies are sampled,
active signals will populate the LCD. The “RF” and “Marker” frequencies are currently the same and the
“RF” is what the companion radio is tuned to... what you are listening to. The “RF” marker will be
displayed as an outline pair of triangle markers above & below the graticule, this is to remind you of the
receive frequency which is NOT the centre frequency.
Rotate the spin wheel dial to move the marker onto any active trace, the frequency may be read directly
in MHz format next to the legend “Marker” and the signal level will be displayed alongside in dBm.
Section 5-4