graphically show such radio activities while the search is in progress (rather like an
aeroplane vapour trail). It is possible to tune the radio by tracing a cursor onto the
frequency you want to monitor (using the main dial). There are two types of search,
Manual search and Program search.
C-1 Manual search
When the AR7000 is in the “DIAL” mode (either VFO-A or VFO-B on the upper line of
the large frequency readout) the manual search can be used.
1. Push the [RUN/BRK] key while in dial mode to initiate the manual search.
“M.SEARCH” is shown along with “Run” on the LCD while the search is in progress.
{figure 16}
Resultant spectrum analysis will be shown as the search progresses. When a signal
above the squelch threshold is received, the search will stop at that point until such
signal has disappeared and squelch closes.
2. You can force the manual search to resume by rotating the main dial (whichever
direction you desire, up or down).
3. Press the [RUN/BRK] key to stop the search, the legend “Brk” confirms break
(pause) on the LCD.
While the search is stopped in this situation, you can tune to other frequencies within
the display window by rotating the main dial, a cursor follows the frequency spectrum
on the screen. Active signals will be audible, the squelch may be adjusted as
4. Press the [ENT] key in the manual search mode if you wish to return to the dial
mode still retaining the present frequency.
Press the [ESC] key in the manual search mode if you wish to return to the dial mode
but with the frequency you were originally receiving before you switched to the
manual search mode.
C-2 Program search
In the program search mode, the AR7000 will step through the pre-programmed
frequency spectrum in the specified increment size. The AR7000 is equipped with 8
program search banks, number 0 to 7.
1. Press the [SEARCH] key while in the dial mode or memory mode, the program
search menu will then be displayed on the LCD.
{figure 18}
2. Rotate the main dial to select the desired program search bank number 0 to 7.