1.3 Preliminary Tools
"A workman must first sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well". Right before you start the
assembly, there are some tools that can't be spared.
Firstly, the most frequently-used too is cross screwdriver by which most interior components are
fixed. A suitable screwdriver can make the following job much easier. Being so, does any
screwdriver apply? Actually a magnetic tip one is suggested. That is because in the process of
setting up your PC, the situation is very likely to happen: you accidentally drop the screws into the
interior of the computer. In case of this, a magnetic screwdriver helps attracting the fallen screws that
are hard to reach by hands. Some screw holes are placed where hands can hardly reach. At this
time, we need a magnetic screwdriver, too. In addition, the size of our tool also matters. Generally,
domestic 107 cross screwdriver
is the most appropriate one.
I can get it done!!
When putting things together, it is necessary to adjust Jumper. In most cases, things can be
done barehanded. But there comes a time always when your hands fail to reach in and fix the
problem. You'll thank God with a pliers on hand which keeps you away from any annoying trouble for
just setting one JUMPER.
What is Jumper?
Jumper is something generally referred to
" Jumping wire" that utilizes the short
circuit of the pins to tune up some
functions, such as FSB (front side bus),
ratio, and sound switches adjusting.