4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the
Uninstalling the Sound card Driver for Windows
1. Click “ S tart ” .
2. Select “ Program ” .
3. Find “ U ninstall device drivers and application ” program in PCI
audio applications.
4. Run it.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the device drivers
or applications.
Installing and uninstalling the Sound Card Driver
under Windows NT
Please read the “ NT Installation Guide ” file on Installation
Software CD-ROM.
Installing the Sound Card Driver under DOS
1. Insert the Multimedia Software into your CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM
2. Change directory to DOS driver folder (D:\Driver\DOSDRV) at DOS
prompt, and type “ I NSTALL” .
Click Enter.
3. Type DOS utilities path that you want to install the file in.
4. Program will expand the file to the path you’ve specified.
5. Install program will add initial drivers into AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
C. Other Application Setup
Installing DIRECTX8.0
1. Insert the Multimedia Software CD-ROM and double-click
“ D irectX8.0.exe ” in Drive D. (If Drive D is your CD-ROM drive or
DVD-ROM drive)
2. Follow the instruction on the screen to install software for PCI
sound card.
The multi-channel demo and audio rack require DirectX8.0.
Installing Sound Application “ G amut 2000 ”
1. Insert the Multimedia Software CD-ROM and double-click
“ S etup.exe ” in the directory “ D:\Gamut2000\ ” . (If Drive D is your
CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive)
2. Follow the instruction on the screen to install power MP3 maker
software for PCI sound card.
Installing Sound Application “ W inDVD™ ” (Optional)
1. Insert the Multimedia Software CD-ROM. The disc supports Windows
AutoPlay mode and starts running automatically.
2. Follow the instruction on the screen to install software for PCI
sound card.