This voltage controlled filter is a flexible lowpass, great sounding filter based on the classic Moog design.
MOODULATOR´s filter has a slope of 24dB/octave.
This means that any signal at the double of the cutoff frequency will be lowered by 24 dB.
CUTOFF (knob)
Perhaps the most important parameter of a filter, Cutoff sets the frequency at which the filter begins to work.
This is a feedback loop within the filter that emphasizes the signal at the cutoff frequency proportional to the knob
position. 0 Resonance means there’ll be no feedback, while 10 means total feedback to the point of selfoscillation.
Selfoscillation means the filter generates a sine wave at the cutoff frequency, which can be used as a sound source.
The audible result of Resonance is the typical electronic synth sound, but it’s also very useful to simulate
acoustic characteristics like formants.
This knob determines the modulation amount of the FILTER ENV to the cutoff frequency of the filter.
KEYTRACK (mini knob)
Keytracking is nothing but using the keyboard as a
modulation source. That means that the higher the note,
the higher the cutoff frequency, depending on the
modulation amount.
At around 5 o'clock you have 100% keytracking, which
means that if you turn down all sound sources and make
the filter selfoscillate
you can play melodically with it.