Appendix A: Categorization of Functionality
95 (104)
Categorization of Functionality
The objects, including attributes and services, of the Anybus CompactCom and the application
are divided into two categories: basic and extended.
This category includes objects, attributes and services that are mandatory to implement or to
use. They will be enough for starting up the Anybus CompactCom and sending/receiving data
with the chosen network protocol. The basic functions of the industrial network are used.
Additional objects etc, that will make it possible to certify the product also belong to this
Use of the objects in this category extends the functionality of the application. Access is given
to the more specific characteristics of the industrial network, not only the basic moving of data
to and from the network. Extra value is given to the application.
Some of the functionality offered may be specialized and/or seldom used. As most of the avail-
able network functionality is enabled and accessible, access to the specification of the industrial
network may be required.
40 Common Ethernet Design Guide
HMSI-27–269 2.1