Operating your electrical device with SMS
You can send the following SMS from your Registered Mobile Number to the Cygnus® SIM. These
codes are not case sensitive and hence you can type your SMS in all capital, all small or in mixed
To switch ON your electrical device:
To switch OFF your electrical device:
To know the running status of your electrical device:
To check the currently registered mobile number:
Operating your electrical device with Missed Calls
Giving a missed call to Cygnus® is a quick and cheaper way to operate your device. A missed call
from your Registered Mobile Number to the SIM inside the Cygnus® unit will switch ON your
electrical device if it is OFF and will switch it OFF, if it is already ON.
SMS Notifications from Cygnus®
A reply SMS is sent from the Cygnus® unit, each time you send it an SMS code or give it a missed
call. In addition to these interactive SMS, Cygnus® updates you if your device has unexpectedly
stopped due to power failure or any other fault. It sends you an SMS when power is restored. It
also sends you an update SMS when someone has accidently switched off the Cygnus® unit.
Please use SIM that supports GSM. (Some operators have only 4G SIM and do not support
Please use a SIM with strong network signal
If you ever need to change the SIM inside Cygnus® unit, please disconnect the TP3
connector (mentioned previously), change the SIM and reconnect the TP3 connector.
You may very occasionally receive SMS about system reboot. If your electrical devices had
been running prior to getting such an SMS, you will be required to send the START
command again. This happens due to sudden drop in network signal. If signal strength is
good enough this is never likely to occur.
Registering your product and warranty
Your Cygnus® unit comes with a warranty of 6-months from the date of purchase. Please
contact your dealer or directly send us any proof of date of purchase to claim the warranty
It is highly desirable that you get your Cygnus® unit registered with us with following info:
Name, Contact Number and/or email, Location, Cygnus® unit Serial Number, Cygnus® unit
SIM phone number. Please contact your dealer or directly send us this info to register your
product. Cygnus® unit SIM phone number is mandatory to receive automatic software
updates to your Cygnus® unit.