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Содержание 2727

Страница 1: ...11N R Multi RO 2 i Fun UT 72 nction TER 7 n AP R Repe eater...

Страница 2: ...yout ont panel ack panel ystem Requir stallation Env ardware Insta on 3 Quick In CP IP configu uick Installatio ernet setup reless setup rmware upgra n 4 Advance etwork reless reless Status reless set...

Страница 3: ...etu AT Routing ort Forwarding MZ Host ort Trigger sc Setup outing Table rewall ernet Access et Detector Mgmt Acces Misc Setup ility VPN Setup DDNS WOL Host Scan affic QoS Setup Connection Connection W...

Страница 4: ...7 1 4 7 2 4 7 3 4 7 4 4 7 5 111 Piso 1 ventas anse System Log Admin Setu System Tim Config Back Misc Setup Colonia Es el com mx g p me kup Restore cand n C P P 11800 M x xico DF 55 5 52714421 5 277445...

Страница 5: ...ns pleas cand n C P e contents er nts are dam ss router for LINK Wirel ogy and wir f both mobil th all the ma ernetmore s 150Mbps gy to ensur e ides multip ports SSID sy to instal e read this P 11800...

Страница 6: ...autom on file back er PPTP e and Web m ns IEEE802 802 3u I CSMA CA DDNS VP 4 100M 1 100M 2 4 2 48 cand n C P 02 11g 802 and static IP outing VPN set your se application ol and MAC t WPA stan enticatio...

Страница 7: ...P 0 270 243 21 5 108 81 54 8 5 52 39 26 48 36 24 18 5 5 2 1M a MAX 65dBm 10 65dBm 10 8dBm 10 5dBm 8 P dBm 10 P dBm 8 PE orth America QPSK CCK an omni antenn s Bridge Clie 128 bit MA TBD WPA er 1 CPU...

Страница 8: ...less fu wireless fu there is no there is a d there is an 2 1 jack Note P ge to your rou onnect xDSL d hub switc P 11800 M x D indicato tion has a hardw is working p nction is dis nction is ena o devic...

Страница 9: ...a workin nstalled on icrosoft Inte ment ear a heater There shou y if it is in a C 40 C 90 RH No n Steps u should co ny problem steps Don ble DSL mo on for the ro will wireless Requiremen antenna N ac...

Страница 10: ...the t The route Cable DSL outer into asic functio ccess the I wireless ro n be seen f alues for de N ports in t ually for your PC meters Th 5 0 and Ga cally l in Obtain your PC s router and assign IP...

Страница 11: mx C ed is simila has been e m 192 168 is 255 255 ay is 192 1 d ping 192 cand n C P Type ipco ar to that sh established 1 2 to 192 255 0 68 1 1 168 1 1 a P 11800 M x onfig and p own in the or else...

Страница 12: result displ has been co ation Gu nternet Exp nage The browser rer 8 1 1 in Inte cand n C P ayed Repl onnected w uide plorer or Ne Web base ernet Explo P 11800 M x ly from 192 with the rout etscape...

Страница 13: ...x ault router L you enter in bles you to ables you to l see the fo wer case lett he wireless cand n C P LAN IP add nto the conf configure t o configure ollowing log ters Then c s router con P 11800 M...

Страница 14: ...e N access m setup yo operator 2 net access click Apply cand n C P e paramete mode you c ou will see f PPPoE U Input the y P 11800 M x ers for Intern an choose following int User ADSL User ID and xico...

Страница 15: ...this 111 Piso 1 ventas anse P User setu P address please con Colonia Es el com mx up that provid sult with yo cand n C P ed by your our local ISP P 11800 M x r ISP Inter P xico DF 55 5 rnet Servic 527...

Страница 16: ...p oose Auto Colonia Es el com mx p Wirel w the basic You ade Firmwar Upgrade o cand n C P ess Setup c wireless p u can set u re Upgrade or Manual P 11800 M x you will s parameters p encryptio e you wi...

Страница 17: ...ncludes Ne more tech settings sho router cand n C P the wireles he uploadin etwork Wire hnically adv ould not be P 11800 M x ss router firm ng because eless NAT vanced use changed u xico DF 55 5 mware...

Страница 18: ...1 ventas anse work work menu N port basic Colonia Es el com mx you will se Click c paramete cand n C P ee k LAN DH er and DHC P 11800 M x HCP Server CP server pa xico DF 55 5 r you will s arameter c...

Страница 19: mx e DHCP fun n an IP add ed please c wise configu and you w s s menu yo cand n C P nction of th dress autom lick Apply uration will will see ou will see P 11800 M x e IP Route matically y to mak...

Страница 20: ...uth curity mecha o be insuffic of IEEE 802 actice comp dard was ap P 11800 M x you will se meter and wi reless Confi or Stop the w r your wirele rms to 11G a the wireless nnel in AP m le WEP64 i WPA i...

Страница 21: ...el com mx nfigure Certi Type Choo ength Choo od Choose n Key value uration click click f or router ation C to connec cand n C P ification way ose authentic ose Key leng ASII HEX o k Apply save IP is...

Страница 22: ...this you m want to com to change less client out any has cand n C P ses wireles must set the mmunicate w the setting automatica ssle P 11800 M x ss media ese APs in with in the t g for WPS ally synchr...

Страница 23: ...el com mx p for advance menu you c g face you c T firewall T rver or mai cand n C P ed paramet can see follo can redirect This setting l server on P 11800 M x ter settings owing interf t common n is o...

Страница 24: ...ho rvice such a e time Any should hav n using the cand n C P ost feature as Online G y PCs whic ve a new st DHCP func P 11800 M x allows one Game and h port is b tatic IP Add ction xico DF 55 5 e loc...

Страница 25: M 111 Piso 1 ventas anse Trigger chieve some Setup isc setup p Colonia Es el com mx e special pu provides FT cand n C P urposes by P Private P P 11800 M x this setting Port Multica xico DF 55 5 g a...

Страница 26: ...items yo net Access cess Contr cess time c Colonia Es el com mx e the static r you will se ou can set u s Control ol provides control UR cand n C P routing rule ee up the corre s multiple se RL filter...

Страница 27: logi WAN port I e control Colonia Es el com mx s some ba on List in through P address For exam cand n C P asic virus p h the 80 p port ap mple http P 11800 M x protection f port router pproach to...

Страница 28: ...wireles 111 Piso 1 ventas anse Setup Mis y Setup ss router pro Colonia Es el com mx c Setup G ovides PPT cand n C P Generally m TP protocol P 11800 M x maintain the VPN conne xico DF 55 5 default ecti...

Страница 29: ...ame for you ord for your domain nam cand n C P Server its se of dynam ware on the der from th n other use rn the corre ork system mply with fol der ur DDNS acc r DDNS acco mes are disp P 11800 M x s m...

Страница 30: use this Wa Scan s the user to d receiving Colonia Es el com mx ake On Line o view the w and TCP cand n C P e function to working sta port comm P 11800 M x o start the P atus of the P unication in...

Страница 31: ...ventas anse ic ic menu y Setup w to use rad oose this a es can be a Colonia Es el com mx you will see dix point e as user defi a single IP a cand n C P x 2 5Mbps ned rule or address al P 11800 M x s...

Страница 32: ...P ded to chan Colonia Es el com mx o nt connectio receiving s ntrol hows the M PC These nge them cand n C P on informati status of ea ax connect settings a P 11800 M x on of the w ch PC in co tion Ma...

Страница 33: ...A 5 4 Agricultura 1 52718216 v 4 6 4 Wired 111 Piso 1 ventas anse d Port Setu Colonia Es el com mx up 4 6 5 Po cand n C P ort Rate Co P 11800 M x ontrol xico DF 55 5 52714421 52774459 52719163 Fax...

Страница 34: ...s the at here Colonia Es el com mx py of netw r LAN port network ap stem you will se e working s cand n C P work packet t At the sa pliances th e tatus of the P 11800 M x ts seen on ame time th hat re...

Страница 35: ...4 7 2 Admi Here you ca 111 Piso 1 ventas anse n Setup an change Colonia Es el com mx login accou cand n C P unt name a P 11800 M x and passwo xico DF 55 5 ord and adm 52714421 5 ministrator 2774459 5...

Страница 36: ...t If you wan server and t Restore you to save Besides y cand n C P nd passwor tly then clic t to receive time zone f e current se you could re P 11800 M x rd and then ck Apply e IP routing for your wi...

Страница 37: ...isc setup and Restart 111 Piso 1 ventas anse Setup provides H t System fu Colonia Es el com mx Hostname unctions cand n C P Auto Savin P 11800 M x ng Auto R xico DF 55 5 Redirection 52714421 5 Login p...
