Instructions for Assembling the Birdbath
First, select the desired pump based on the available sunlight in the area where the birdbath will be installed.
The solar powered pump will work in cloudy conditions, but it will not operate properly in areas of full shade.
Insert the power cord through the pipe in the bowl, as shown. Feed the cord through the pedestal and base out.
Lead the cord from grooved notch at the bottom.
For the solar powered
pump, attach the cord
to the solar panel and
stake it into the ground
Twist and lock the
Twist and lock the bowl to the riser.
riser to the base.
For the solar powered pump, sit
Go the tube into the hole of pump
Connect the nozzle to the pump
the pump centered in the cavity.
cover and then inset the nozzle
head into it
Place the cover over the housing.
The spray nozzle head should look like
The “bubbling” nozzle head should
this. Adjust the flow and the height of the
look like this.
nozzle by tightening or loosening the
head slightly.