novAA 800
Safety instructions
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)
Flammable, highly volatile, noxious-smelling
Flammable, hazardous to health
Flammable, hazardous to the aquatic environment,
hazardous to health
Methanol, ethanol, propanol
Flammable, partly acutely toxic
Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
flammable, hazardous to health, extremely volatile,
dissolves polyethylene and polystyrene
This list is not exhaustive. Other solvents could be considered when using the
novAA 800. If in doubt about the potential hazards ask the manufacturer to provide
more detailed information.
Decontamination in case of biological contamination
Observe the following notes:
The operator is responsible for carrying out suitable decontamination should the
device be contaminated externally or internally with dangerous substances.
Spots, drops or larger spillages should be removed and cleaned using an absorbent
material such as cotton wool, laboratory wipes or cellulose.
Then, wipe the affected area with a suitable disinfectant such as Incidin Plus solu-
Before using a cleaning or decontamination procedure other than that prescribed
by the manufacturer, the user is required to check with the manufacturer that the
intended procedure will not damage the device. Safety labels attached to the
novAA 800 must not be moistened with methanol.
Behavior during emergencies
Observe the following notes:
If there is no immediate risk of injury, in hazardous situations or in case of acci-
dents, immediately switch off the novAA 800 using the mains contactor on the
right side wall of the device. Disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket.
Make sure that the mains plug is readily accessible.
Switch off the installed components using the mains switch of the connected power
strip. Ensure that the positioning of the power strip allows quick access.
For the PC there is a risk of data loss and damage to the operating system!
Close the gas supply immediately after switching off the devices, if possible.
Examples of organic