PortaSens II
Gas Detector
C16 Leak Detector
O & M Manual
Rev. G, 11/07
- 23 -
The measuring range of the C16 detector depends on the sensor module installed.
Display D8 (page 16) in the information displays shows the minimum and maximum full scale
range for the sensor currently installed. Keep in mind the fact that the full scale range you set in
this routine will only affect the voltage output, data logging functions, and sampling mode
recovery setpoint. The display will still cover the entire operating range of the sensor. For
example, when using an ammonia detector with a sensor range of 0-50 PPM minimum and 0-500
PPM maximum, the unit will always measure concentrations up to 500 PPM.
Changing the range can affect the display sensitivity for some sensor modules. For
example, if an ozone sensor is installed with a range of 0-5 minimum and 0-100 maximum,
setting a range of 0-20 would provide display resolution to 0.1 PPM while setting a range of 0-100
PPM would provide resolution of 1 PPM.
To change the range, start from display VD2 and follow the directions in VD5 below.
Adjust the range using the INC key to increase and the DEC
key to decrease the full-scale range. Press SAVE when
done. Press ABORT to return to VD2.