The relay is factory preset to fail closed when the low output LED and buzzer come on. If your
system detects an alarm condition when the voltage converter is operating normally, you must
take the bottom cover off the unit and move the jumper on J11 (located next to the dry contact
relay) to opposite
position as follows:
Dry Contact Relay
This remote is to be used only with
Voltage Converters manufactured by Analytic Systems
Remote Control
A model RCP1-VTL Remote Control panel may be
connected to the voltage converter using the 9-pin
D-connector on the left side of the voltage converter.
The remote control panel allows the unit to be operated
remotely as well as duplicating all the diagnostic
indicators and audible alarm.
This connector is located on the left side of the unit.
Important: The function of each pin is shown in the
table, and the location of each pin in the connector in
the diagram below.
1. Disconnect the
input power from the unit.
2. Turn the power switch ON to discharge the internal storage capacitors
3. Turn the unit over and remove the 4 cover screws.
4. Move the jumper on J11 to the opposite position
5. Reassemble the unit
6. Making sure the power switch is OFF, reconnect the input power
7. Turn the power switch on and check for proper operation of the dry contact relay.
Pin 5
Pin 9
Pin 1
Pin 6