[Citation 12 MOSFET Power Amplifier ]
Analog Metric
Design reference to the Harman-Kardon Citation 12 classic power amplifier circuit
as blueprint and circuit modified as reference to Nelson Pass
Maximum output power can reach 75W@8 ohm or 150W@4ohm loading
High precise
Built-in voltage regulating circuitry and array of reservoir capacitors for power
Output current current is set by a resistor trimmer.
Protection is done by testing connectors.
Power requirements: two 27-33V AC or DC (5A)
PCB dimension:
10mm x 14mm, 2.4mm thickness and 2oz copper
Two mono sets are required for stereo.
Use a power transformer with fuse (6A) socket to limit the supply current in case of
short circuit or incorrect assembly.
Double check the assembled components with the schematics.
Turn off the power supply if you observe any smokes or hear strange sound coming
out from the transformer or board. If there is short circuit, the transformer will be
getting very hot shortly.