Rev. 0
LTpowerPlay Quick Start Procedure
The following procedure describes how to use LTpow-
erPlay to monitor and change the settings of LTM4664.
1.Download and install the
2. Launch the LTpowerPlay GUI.
a. The GUI should automatically identify the DC2672A-A.
The system tree on the left hand side should look like this:
b. A green message box shows for a few seconds in the
lower left hand corner, confirming that LTM4664 is com-
c. In the Toolbar, click the “R” (RAM to PC) icon to read
the RAM from the LTM4664. This reads the configuration
from the RAM of LTM4664 and loads it into the GUI.
d. If you want to change the output voltage to a differ-
ent value, like 1.5V. In the Config tab, type in 1.5 in the
VOUT_COMMAND box, like this:
Then, click the “W” (PC to RAM) icon to write these regis-
ter values to the LTM4664. After finishing this step, you
will see the output voltage will change to 1.5V.
If the write is successful, you will see the following message:
e. You can save the changes into the NVM. In the tool bar,
click “RAM to NVM” button, as following
f. Save the demo board configuration to a (*.proj) file. Click
the Save icon and save the file. Name it whatever you want.