EVAL-CN0369SDPZ User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 8
uses the standard
Integer-N programming software. For more details on the
installation and use of the Integer-N programming software,
consult the
user guide
and the
After installing the software, run the software by clicking the
Analog Devices Int-N PLL Software file on the desktop or in
the Start menu. The software main window opens (see Figure 3).
Confirm SDP Board connected displays in the bottom left
corner of the window. Otherwise, the software has no
connection to the evaluation board. In this case, check that the
cable connection and USB drivers are correctly installed.
In the Main Controls tab (see Figure 4), program the RF VCO
Output Freq to 100 MHz, the PFD Frequency to 100 MHz, the
Charge Pump Setting 1 and Charge Pump Setting 2 to 5.0 mA,
and the Phase Detector Polarity to Negative.
Double-click on the ANALOG DEVICES logo to enable
additional test modes. In the Testmodes drop down menu,
select Force Charge Pump Down and update all registers (see
Figure 4). Check that the VCO/2 output is free running at
approximately 5.47 GHz.
Again, in the Testmodes drop down menu, select Normal
operation, 2.9 ns ABPW and update all registers (see Figure 4).
Check that the VCO/2 output is locked at 5.3 GHz. See Figure 5
for a phase noise plot at 5.3 GHz.
The translation loop cannot distinguish between the need for a
±ve change in VCO output frequency, therefore it is necessary
to tune the loop in one direction only, hence the need to
manually force the VCO output frequency to 5.47 GHz (top of
tuning range), before operating in normal operation. Coarse
tuning of the translation loop can then be performed by the
local oscillator input to the mixer, and finely tuned by the
reference input to the
. Tuning must always
be in one direction, for example, in this user guide, the VCO
frequency is always tuned from the top of the VCO tuning
range to the required frequency.
Figure 3.
Select Device and Connection