EVAL-AD7177-2SDZ User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 10 of 14
Analysis Channel (9)
Noise Analysis
section and Histogram Graph shows the
analysis of the channel selected via the
Analysis Ch
(labeled 9 in
Figure 8) drop-down combo box.
Samples (10 and 11)
(labeled 10 in Figure 8) numeric control and
batch control (labeled 11 in Figure 8) set the number of samples
gathered per batch and whether only a single batch or multiple
batches of samples are gathered. The
(10) numeric
control is unrelated to the ADC mode. You can capture a defined
sample set or continuously gather batches of samples. In both
cases, the number of samples set in the
(labeled 10 in
Figure 8) numeric input dictates the number of samples.
Sample (12)
Click the
button to start gathering ADC results. Results
appear in the waveform graph (labeled 13 in Figure 8).
Waveform Graph and Controls (13 and 14)
The data waveform graph shows each successive sample of the
ADC output. The control toolbar in the graph allows you to
zoom in on the data. Click the x-axis and y-axis to change the
scales on the graph (see Figure 8).
Channel Selection (15)
The channel selection control allows you to choose which
channels display on the data waveform. It also shows the analog
inputs for that channel labeled next to the on and off controls
(see Figure 8). These controls only affect the display of the
channels and do not have any effect on the channel settings in
the ADC register map.
Display Units and Axis Controls (16)
Click the
Display Units
to select whether the data graph
displays in units of voltages or codes (see Figure 8). This
selection affects both the waveform graph and the histogram
graph. The axis controls can be dynamic or fixed. When
X-scale Dynamic
are switched on, the axis
automatically adjusts to show the entire range of the ADC
results after each sample batch. Click the drop-down arrows to
select the fixed axis controls, which program the axis ranges to
not adjust after each sample batch.
CRC Error (17)
CRC Error
LED icon illuminates when a cyclic redun-
dancy check (CRC) error is detected in the communications
between the software and the
(see Figure 8). The
CRC functionality on the
is disabled by default and
must be enabled for this indicator to work.
Noise Analysis (18)
Noise Analysis
section displays the results of the noise
analysis for the selected analysis channel (see Figure 8). This
section includes both noise and resolution measurements.