Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrC | Page 307 of 338
Figure 289 Synchronous Transfer option in the Transmit Tab
Note the evaluation software has synchronous transfer option provided for the user. This option allows the user to begin transfer of data
(through the FPGA DMA) on both channels (Tx1&Tx2 or Rx1&Rx2) at the same point in time. Its purpose is for testing MCS to ensure
that both channels have the same sample at the same point in time. The trigger source for DMA on both channels is set to
adi_fpga9001_DmaTrigger_e.ADI_FPGA9001_DMA_TRIGGER_SYNC. FPGA generates an pulse (using the FPGA generated MCS
signal) which triggers simultaneous transfer on both ports.
Initial Calibrations
The “Initial Calibrations” (Figure 290) shows a list of the calibrations that will be run during the initialization of the part. The user can
unselect some of the calibrations for measurement comparisons, however it is recommended to use all the calibrations in a real use case.
Figure 290. Initial Calibrations
Rx and Tx Filters
The “Rx Filters” (Figure 291) and “Tx Filters” (Figure 292 and Figure 294) tabs allow the user to input programmable FIR filters on the
chose channels. In the Tx Filters tab the user can set the interpolations factor.
The RX Filer tab also shows controls for the Dynamic Profile Switching (currently only available on LTE profiles). For more details on
this see Dynamic Profile Switching section above.