Rev. 0
Demonstration circuit SCP-5X1-EVALZ is easy to set up
to evaluate the performance of any SCP hardware con-
figuration. Refer to Figure 2 and follow these steps:
1. The SCP-5X1-EVALZ ships with a bi-directional LED to
indicate applied voltage. To set the limiting resistor, see
“Configuration Settings” section, and modify the board
accordingly. Be sure to check for open connections or
solder shorts after making any modifications.
2. Connect the SCP-INPUT-EVALZ and SCP-OUTPUT-
EVALZ boards to the SCP board under evaluation (refer
to Figure 1) and connect the input board to a voltage
source, V
. Connect the output board to a volt-
meter or dynamic load. Slowly raise the input voltage
until the SCP-5X1-EVALZ powers up the device under
test into regulation and sweep V
through the de-
sired range of operation.
NOTE: Make sure that the input voltage is always within
spec. If using a dynamic load to measure output volt-
age, make sure the load is initially set to zero.
3. Check for proper output voltages. The output should be
regulated at the programmed value (±5%).
4. Once the proper output voltage is established, power
off V
and similarly test other boards in the SCP
system until all elements have been individually verified
prior to assembling into the final circuit configuration.
NOTE: When measuring the input or output voltage rip-
ple, use the optional SMA connector locations available
on the input, output, 1
5, 1
2, and 5
1 breakout
boards. Avoid using the test point connections with
long scope leads.
Figure 2.
Proper Measurement Equipment Setup (Use SMA connectors for Measuring Input or Output Ripple)