Blue Moon also has a Generator, that can run all the AC circuits, charge
batteries and send power to the hot water heater. The generator itself
is located aft of the engines.
Prior to Generator Start, turn off all AC circuits so that there is no load
on the AC system.
To Start the Gen Set, at the lower helm in the small panel forward of
the wheel you will find the Generator Start controls. First, above the
DC Panel you will find a series of battery selector switches. Find the
switch marker GEN, slide the bar down and depress the red button. It
will light up. Then depress the Pre-Heat switch for approximately 20
seconds, while still holding the pre-heat switch in, depress the start
switch. Hold that until the generator catches, usually within 20
seconds. Do a quick check to make sure the generator is pumping raw
water from its exhaust.
Once running you can than go back to the 110 Volt panel and turn on
the breakers which you would have had on when connected to Shore
When turning off the Generator, take to load off by turning off the AC
breakers, turn off the main AC distribution switch and then turning the
Generator switch to the Off position.
Blue Moon has multiple batteries for powering up various independent
The battery selector switches are located on a separate panel found
immediately above the 12 Volt DC panel. These switches can be