Appendix E - Upgrading/Downgrading the System
Enova Digital Media Switchers - Hardware Reference Manual
If the enclosure previously held AIE boards, or had unused expansion slots, and you have added ASB expansion
boards to the enclosure with this upgrade, follow the instructions for enabling ASB default switched/embedded
settings on the following page.
Adding Audio Switching Boards (ASB or ASB-DAN) to an Upgraded Enclosure
If adding ASB boards to an enclosure that previously held Audio Insert/Extract (AIE) boards, or an enclosure that held no
expansion boards, you must enable the audio sub-system's default ASB switched/embedded settings. Instructions for
enabling default settings require using the DGX_SHELL interface.
To enable default settings on the audio sub-system:
Launch the DGX_SHELL prompt (see page 273).
Enable level 2 (super user) commands:
From the DGX_SHELL prompt, type
su enova 12amx34
followed by <enter> (FIG. 151):
Toggle the audio routing to "switched" (ASB default) on all output boards:
passthru OFF BCPU
followed by <enter>.
Check the Switch Mode setting on the output boards (FIG. 152): Type
show aie
followed by <enter> and confirm
that the populated output boards all show a Switch Mode setting of
(switched) and not
(extracted) or
With ASB default settings applied, continue installation or operation of the Enova DGX 100 Series switcher
Upgrading DXLink Transmitter/Receiver Endpoints
Upgrading DXLink Twisted Pair and DXLink Fiber endpoints requires downloading the latest firmware files and using NetLinx
Studio to transfer the files to the target endpoint. In order to be able to locate endpoints in NetLinx Studio, either change
the IP Address of the upgraded Enova DGX to the same IP Address held by the pre-upgrade Enova DGX (maintains
previous configuration settings; forgoes Auto-setup)
use the endpoint ID Pushbutton to return the endpoint to default
settings (in preparation for Auto-setup).
Upgrading the firmware is a serious action in that if the upgrade fails, it can leave the device completely
nonoperational. If the upgrade fails or power is lost during upgrade, reboot the Transmitter or Receiver and attempt to
upgrade the firmware again, as the module is in an unknown state and cannot be guaranteed to be operational.
Some older DXLink Twisted Pair Receivers are not compatible with DXLink Twisted Pair 4K Output Boards. Instructions
for identifying incompatible Receivers are available on page 123.
Download and unzip the "Enova DGX 100 Series DXLink [Twisted Pair or Fiber] Firmware" .zip file:
Navigate to the endpoint’s product page at
Locate the Firmware Files section on the right side of the page and select the .zip file for download.
Unzip and open the downloaded file folder.
Launch NetLinx Studio and navigate to the OnLine Tree.
FIG. 151
DGX_SHELL - su enova 12amx34
FIG. 152
DGX_SHELL - show aie
Setting "pushed" from expansion board to MCPU
Normal setting for populated input board
Correct setting for populated output board
Settings show all zeros for unpopulated board slots
Parenthesis indicate setting "pushed" from MCPU to populated input or output board