Firmware Upgrade & Info for Network Admin
Enova Digital Media Switchers - Hardware Reference Manual
Firmware Upgrade & Info for Network Admin
The NetLinx Studio software application (available for free download from www.amx.com) provides the ability to transfer
firmware KIT files to a NetLinx device or a Master (such as the integrated Master on the Enova DGX Switcher). A KIT file
(*.KIT) is a package of several files, all of which are required to upgrade the firmware and are available online at
www.amx.com. Firmware download links are provided in the relevant product page. This chapter also includes an
additional task normally handled by Network Administrators: changing the proxy setting (page 237).
Preparation Checklist for Firmware Upgrade
Verify that you are using the latest version of NetLinx Studio and the latest firmware KIT files for both the
integrated Master and the Enova DGX Switcher.
Preparation Checklist:
Launch NetLinx Studio. Under the Settings menu, check the Master Communication Settings.
Verify that the latest version of NetLinx Studio is on your PC.
If the version is not the latest –
Open NetLinx Studio’s Help menu and select Web Update to obtain the latest version.
- or -
Go to www.amx.com and login as a Dealer to download the latest version.
If you need to establish a LAN connection – Insert one end of an RJ-45 cable into the LAN 100/1000 port on the
Enova DGX enclosure, and connect the other end of the RJ-45 cable to a network with a DHCP server. (The
upgrade can also be done with a static IP address.)
Verify that the Enova DGX Switcher is powered on. If not, apply power according to the directions on page 67.
Open the OnLine Tree (OnLine Tree tab of the Workspace window), which displays information about each online
device, including the current firmware version.
Determine the Device Number assigned to the target Enova DGX Switcher.
The integrated Master’s device number is always 0 (zero) and cannot be changed.
By default, the Device Number assigned to the Enova DGX Switcher in NetLinx Studio is 05002.
Before attempting to upgrade the firmware, you must have the appropriate KIT files. Go to www.amx.com and
download the latest firmware files for the system from the Enova DGX 800, Enova DGX 1600, Enova DGX 3200, or
Enova DGX 6400 product page.
Check the cache settings in your web browser and set to "Every time I visit the webpage" (otherwise, the progress
will not
be accurate). When the upgrade is complete, remember to change back to the original cache
settings. If you need instructions, see page 238.
Place KIT files on a local drive for speedy throughput.
Sending Firmware (*.KIT) Files to the Enova DGX
NetLinx Devices such as the Enova DGX Switcher use KIT files for firmware upgrades.
The Enova DGX Switcher contains two components (devices) which each require a Kit file. These two components must
be kept at compatible firmware versions for proper operation.
NetLinx integrated Master Controller – Device ID
Enova DGX 800/1600/3200/6400 Switcher – Default Device ID
Any programs using the USB connection to an Enova DGX 100 Series Switcher must be halted prior to the
upgrade process being initiated to avoid breaking the USB link to the PC.
If for any reason the KIT file transfer or the upgrade process fails, continue to retry until successful. Do not reboot
or power cycle the Enova DGX Switcher or change the connections until the files are transferred and the upgrade
process is complete. Failure to complete both the transfer of files and the upgrade successfully may require a factory
repair of the Enova DGX Switcher.
Complete any necessary items under the "Preparation Checklist" on the previous page.
In NetLinx Studio, choose
Tools > Firmware Transfers > Send to NetLinx Device
to open the Send to NetLinx
dialog (FIG. 122):