Revision 1.0, 04-April-2012
Page 7 of 13
OTP tab
The OTP tab is normally used for the AS5000 programmer, but the OTP bits can be changed on the AS5132 demoboard as
Options like sensitivity, incremental output mode, UVW output mode can be changed by selecting the function in “Fields”,
then changing the parameter in “Options for the selected field” or directly the decimal value of this parameter in “Value”.
Each time a field’s value has been changed, the corresponding OTP bits will be automatically checked in the right window.
The button Write should be clicked to write the parameter into the AS5132.
The Read button reads back the OTP register, and updates the “Field” parameter as well as the OTP bits window.
Figure 6: OTP tab
Field Sensitivity: Sets the gain of the internal signal path (typ).
0: Sensitivity = 1.65
1: Sensitivity = 1.88
2: Sensitivity = 2.11
3: Sensitivity = 2.35
PRE_COM_STAT: Set the static pre-commutation ( mechanical Degrees)
0: 0°
1: 2°
2: 4°
3: 8°
Field UVW: To change the BLDC pole pairs. The result can be checked in realtime in the BLDC window. In the step mode
configuration, the bit UVW<2> is used to invert the step mode output.
0: Sensitivity = 1 pole pair
1: Sensitivity = 2 pole pair
2: Sensitivity = 3 pole pair
3: Sensitivity = 4 pole pair
4: Sensitivity = 5 pole pair
5: Sensitivity = 6 pole pair
6: Sensitivity = 6 pole pair
7: Sensitivity = 6 pole pair
Field Zero Position: To zero position value, like on the TWI tab. The zero position value can be changed by checking the
Z[0:8] bits, or changing the Value field with a decimal number.