5.6. Status Input # 1 and Status Input # 2 Connection
The MC-4231-CO may be used to monitor digital (ON/OFF) status signals to
perform output control functions (start/stop pump as a function of water level).
When the MC-4231 monitor is used with the PLC Monitor System, it may be used as
a small remote to monitor and control digital (ON/OFF) signals. The status input
voltage must be in the range of 0 to 5 VDC. Status input #1 is connected between
J5-1(+) and J5-2 (-). Status input #2 is connected between J5-3 (+) and J5-4 (-).
5.7. Control Output # 1 and Control Output # 2 Connection
The MC-4231 the monitor has two 100 milliampere current sink type outputs that are
triggered by the two digital status inputs. These outputs may be used in conjunction
with an interface relay to perform heavy duty control applications (start/stop pump as
a function of water level). Connect the (+) side of the device to be controlled to the
(+) side of the power source (+28 VDC or less). Connect the (-) side of the device to
be controlled to either J5-5 (#1 output) or J5-7 (# 2 output). Connect the RETURN
of the power source to either J5-6 (#1 output) or J5-8 (# 2 output).
5.8. Calibration/Test Switch Connection
Connect the magnetically activated reed switch used for calibrating and testing the
MC-4231 to connector J3.
5.9. 2-Wire Monitor System Connection
If the MC-4231 is used either as a gas sensor or as a small remote with the PLC
Monitor System it must be connected to the RS-485 communication date line using
the 2 wire connection scheme as shown in Figure 6. Connect the data (+) (TB1-1)
wire to J2-3 and data (-) (TB1-2) wire to J2-4.
5. 10. 4-Wire Monitor System Connection
If the MC-4231 is used either as a gas sensor or as a small remote with a 4 wire
monitor system it must be connected to the RS-485 communication data line using
the 4 wire connection scheme shown in Figure 8. Connect the Master Station TX(+)
(TB1-1) wire to J2-1 and TX(-)(TB1-2) wire to J2-2. Connect the Master Station
RX(+) wire to J2-3 and RX(-) wire to J2-4. C28VDC (TB1-5) to J1-1 and
GND (TB1-6) to J1-3.