Calibration Mode
Selecting a calibration standard
For best results, select a conductivity or TDS standard near the sample value
you are measuring. Alternatively, use a calibration solution value which is
approximate 2/3 of the full scale of the measurement range you plan to use.
For example, in the 0 to 1999 uS range, use 1413 uS solution for calibration.
DO NOT reuse the calibration solution. Contaminants in the solution will affect
the calibration and the accuracy.
When to do the calibration?
Calibration is necessary and should be done regularly. If measure the mid-ranges,
calibrate the meter at least once a month. Soak the probe for 15 mins before
calibration or measurement can saturate the probe surface and minimize drift.
If measure the extreme temperatures or special concentration (<100uS or >2mS),
calibrate the meter at least once a week to get specified accuracy.
Conductivity calibration
1. Dip the probe into demineralized or distilled water for about 30 minutes to
rinse the probe.
2. Select the conductivity standard for calibration.
3. Pour enough solution into two separate clean containers.
4. Power on the meter. Select the mode as conductivity measurement mode.
5. Rinse the probe into one of above containers. Gently stir the probe.
6. Dip the rinsed probe into the second container. Tap probe on the bottom
of container to remove air bubbles. Wait about 15 mins to make the probe
stabilize to the solution temperature.
7. Press
> 2 seconds to begin calibration. The conductivity value of solution
will blink on LCD (Fig.5).
Fig. 5
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