Press REC button to activate maximum, minimum and
average reading memory mode ( MAX MIN AVG
is displayed). The meter beeps when MAX and MIN
reading is updated during measurement. Press REC
button again to read the MAX, MIN and AVG reading
in sequence. Press REC button > one second to exit
MAX/MIN/AVG reading memory mode.
Press REC / PEAK-RMS button > one second to enter
PEAK-RMS mode (
is displayed) to capture
inrush current or voltage RMS values (80 ms). Press a
second time > one second to exit.
Note: Auto Power Off is automatically disabled under
Press Hz button to activate frequency measurement
mode. Press a second time to exit.
Press REC button > one second to activate CREST mode
(5 ms) to capture current or voltage peak values (
MAX is displayed). Press again to toggle between
MAX and MIN. The meter beeps when MAX or
MIN reading is updated during measurement. Press
CREST button > one second to exit CREST mode.
Note: Auto Power Off is automatically disabled under
CREST modes.
Measuring AC and DC Voltage
To measure ac or dc voltage:
1. Turn the rotary function switch to or
2. Press SELECT button to choose measurement function (AC V, DC V,
DC+AC V, Hz or EF - Non contact voltage detection). The display reflects
the chosen function mode.
3. Connect the black test lead to the
terminal and the red test lead
to the V terminal. Before connecting the probes to the measurement
points, add any clips to the probes that are necessary.
4. Measure the voltage by touching the probes to the desired test points
of the circuit.
5. View the reading on the display.
6. When measuring AC voltage, press Hz button to view the frequency
reading on the display.
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