Helpline 0844 800 6503
(See page 68 for costs and hours of operation)
useful tip when choosing a SIM card / service provider howe-
ver is to make sure that you have adequate signal coverage at
home; this is particularly important if you live in a very rural
Why doesn’t the mobile phone have a telephone number?
The telephone number is supplied by the service provider and
will be registered onto the SIM card.
Can I use the SIM card from my old mobile phone?
Yes as long as the SIM card is less than three years old you
can transfer the card over. Some old SIM cards however are
not compatible with the Amplicomms mobile phone as they
are from an earlier generation of SIM card design.
Can I use a SIM card from any mobile phone company?
Yes. The Amplicomms mobile phone is what is termed as an
open SIM card phone and so it is not restricted to any particu-