Amphenol Network Solutions
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509.926.6000 – amphenol-ns.com
ALERT! GMT fuses have a small inherent electrical resistance
resulting in a small inherent power loss. For this reason, the GMT
fuse manufacturer recommends:
The load for GMT fuses up to and including 7.5A not exceed 80%
of the fuse rating.
The load for GMT fuse sizes between 10A and 20A not exceed
70% of the fuse rating. For example, the load for a 15A GMT fuse
should not exceed 10.5A (15A x 0.70 = 10.5A).
Make sure load devices are off (disabled) and then install GMT fuses.
Remember, GMT fuses need to be installed inverted so that failure
indication flags are at the bottom.
Test power and polarity at input of each equipment load.
If possible, replace one of the operable GMT fuses with a blown fuse
to verify that the applicable FUSE Alarm LED turns red. Also, check
the FUSE alarm terminals on the rear of the panel:
Expect an open circuit (∞Ω) between
Expect continuity (0Ω) between
. Reinstall
operable GMT fuse before proceeding.
If desired, connect remote, external audio/visual panel alarm
indicator wires (solid wires, #22 to #18 AWG) to wire wrap PWR
and FUSE alarm pins on rear of panel, as shown in Figure 5.
Reinstall terminal cover.
Lastly, enable equipment loads one at a time to verify the proper
operation of loads.
The total load for all GMT fuse and bullet terminal outputs on each
side must not exceed the panel’s load rating: 600A.
Figure 5: Alarm Wire Wrap Contacts
Dry Contact Alarm States
Alarm card is not installed
All contacts will be open
Alarm card is installed, but no power present on nrgNET
All contacts will go to the alarm state (NC and C will be open,
NO and C will be closed)
Alarm card is installed and powered
All contacts operate as indicated (NC and C will be closed if no
alarm present)