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Ma chi ne con trol

Op er at ing de vices which ad just them selves au to mat i cally when re -
leased in nor mal use, must not be locked.

Check pro tec tive de vices and brakes for proper func tion ing prior to
op er a tion.

When re vers ing, par tic u larly on the edges and banks of ditches, as
well as in front of ob sta cles, the ma chine op er a tor can not fall or be

Al ways  keep  a  safe  dis tance  away  from  the  edges  and  banks  of
ditches and re frain from any ac tions which could cause the ma chine
to top ple over!

Al ways con trol the ma chine, so that hand in ju ries through hard ob -
jects are avoided!

Al ways as cend slopes care fully in a di rect path.

Re verse up steep slopes to pre vent the ma chine from top pling over
on to the ma chine op er a tor.

If faults on the safety de vices or other faults det ri men tal to the safe
op er a tion of the ma chine are no ticed, op er a tion of the ma chine must
be stopped im me di ately and the faults rem e died.

When  un der tak ing  com pac tion  work  in  the  vi cin ity  of  build ings  or
above pipe lines and sim i lar, check the ef fect of the vi bra tions on the
build ings and pipes and stop com pac tion work if nec es sary.

Par king the ma chi ne

Park the ma chine on a firm and level sur face.

Shut down the drive and se cure it to pre vent ac ci den tal move- ment
and un author ised use. If avail able, close the fuel valve. Do not place
or store equip ment with in te grated mov ing gear on the chas sis. The
mov ing de vice is in tended only for trans por ta tion pur poses.

Fil ling pe trol

Only fill petrol by switched-off mo tor.

No open fire, do not smoke.

Do not spill any fuel, col lect dis charg ing fuel in a suit able contai- ner,
pre vent fuel from seek ing into the soil.

En sure that the filler cap is tight.

Leaky fuel tanks con sti tute an ex plo sion haz ard and must there- fore
be re placed im me di ately.

Main ten an ce and re pairs

Ob serve the main te nance, in spec tion and ad just ments and in ter vals
spec i fied in the op er at ing in struc tions, as well as the in for ma tion for
part re place ment.

Main te nance  work  must  be  un der taken  only  by  qual i fied  and
authorised per sons.

Main te nance and re pairs only by switched-off drive.

Only carry out main te nance and re pairs when the ma chine is parked
on a firm and even sur face and is se cured to pre vent it from roll ing.

When chang ing larger as sem blies and in di vid ual com po nents, only
use suit able and per fectly func tion ing hoistings and lift ing gears with
suit able load ing ca pac ity. At tach and se cure parts on hoist ing care -

Spare parts must com ply with the tech ni cal re quire ments of the man -
u fac turer. There fore only use orig i nal spare parts.

Hy drau lic  lines  must  pre vi ously  be  ren dered  pressureless,  be fore
work ing  on  them.  Hy drau lic  oil  dis charg ing  un der  pres-  sure  can
cause se ri ous in ju ries.

Work on hy drau lic de vices must be un der taken only by per sons with
a spe cial knowl edge of hy drau lics and the nec es sary ex- perience!

Do not ad just pres sure re lief valves.

Drain hy drau lic oil at op er at ing tem per a ture—cau tion risk of scald -

Col lect dis charg ing hy drau lic oil and dis pose of the same in an en vi -
ron men tally-friendly man ner.

Do not start the mo tor when hy drau lic oil has been drained off.

Af ter com plet ing all work (by pressureless sys tem), in spect all con -
nec tions and bolted con nec tions for leaks.

In spect all hoses and bolted con nec tions for leaks at reg u lar in ter -
vals  and  ex ter nally  vis i ble  dam age!  Rec tify  any  dam age  im me di -

Re place ex ter nally dam aged hy drau lic hoselines at reg u lar in ter vals
(de pend ing on time used), even when no safety-rele- vant faults are
vis i ble.

Be fore work ing on the elec tri cal sys tem of the ma chine, discon- nect
the bat tery and in su late by cov er ing or re move.

In spect the elec tri cal equip ment of the ma chine at reg u lar in ter vals.
Faults such as loose con nec tions, worn or scorched ca bles must be
im me di ately elim i nated.

Dur ing  trans port,  se cure  the  bat tery  to  pre vent  it  from  tilt ing,
short-cir cuit, slip ping and dam age.

Dis pose of used bat ter ies in a proper man ner.

Do not place any tools on the bat tery.

Han dling acid-bat ter ies

Trans port filled bat ter ies up right to pre vent acid spill age.

Keep away from sparks, open fire and other sources of ig ni tion.

Avoid con tact of acid with skin and cloth ing. In case of con tact, wash
off acid im me di ately with clear wa ter and go to med i cal in sti tu tion.

Prop erly re fit and in spect all pro tec tive de vices af ter main- tenance
and re pairs.

Te sting

Road roll ers, trench roll ers and vi brat ing plates must be tested for
safety by an ex pert de pend ing on the par tic u lar ap pli ca tion and op er -
at ing con di tions as re quired, how ever at least once a year.

Dis po sal of the ma chi ne af ter fi nish of its ser vi ce life

At dis posal of the ma chine af ter fin ish of its ser vice life, the owner is
obliged to com ply with na tional reg u la tions and laws on wastes and
pro tec tion of en vi ron ment. There fore we rec om mend in such cases
to con tact the fol low ing:

pro fes sional  spe cial ized  com pa nies  en gaged  in  such  ac tiv i ties
and hav ing the rel e vant cer tif i cate

the  man u fac tur ers  or  con tract ing  ser vice  or ga ni za tions  au tho -
rized by him.

The man u fac turer is not re spon si ble for dam ages to health of own ers 
nei ther for dam ages to the en vi ron ment in events of fail ing to com ply
with above men tioned hy gienic and eco log i cal prin ci ples.

1. Sa fe ty re gu la tions


Содержание 10985720

Страница 1: ...Translation of the original Operating instructions EN Book ID 2 00002021 APR 2220 Serial Nr 10985720 APR 2620 Serial Nr 11003014 APR 3020 Serial Nr 10985720 APR 3520 Serial Nr 11003032...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...nt in surance and prevention HVBG as well as the applicable ac cident prevention regulations Also observe the corresponding rules and regulations valid in your country Ammann Verdichtung GmbH is not l...

Страница 4: ...ce instructions The following signs and designations are used in the manual to des ignate instructions of particular importance Transporting the machine Only load and transport the machine as specifie...

Страница 5: ...erefore only use original spare parts Hydraulic lines must previously be rendered pressureless before working on them Hydraulic oil discharging under pres sure can cause serious injuries Work on hydra...

Страница 6: ...eights Basic unit B1 121 kg 130 kg 213 kg 257 kg 100 kg 199 kg 242 kg Basic unit B2 128 kg 135 kg 217 kg 271 kg 205 kg 257 kg Transportation kit 8 kg 9 kg 10 kg 8 kg 10 kg Electrical starter 13 kg 15...

Страница 7: ...irective in the version 2006 42 EC was determined taking into account the following standards and directives In operational use values can deviate depending on the prevailing conditions 9 1 Noise data...

Страница 8: ...n only when set to the maximum forward travel setting a In any other position the control lever moves in the direction of maximum forward travel when released If the control lever is operated too quic...

Страница 9: ...screw 2 the tow bar 1 can be set to any positions so as obtain the best working height on the tow bar grip 3 4 2 Locking the tow bar In case of loading and transport the tow bar 1 has to be locked in...

Страница 10: ...til you feel resistance then pull briskly in the direction of the arrow as shown below Return the starter grip gently Important B3299087 MIN 1 B4899005 cdr OPEN CLOSE CLOSE 3 B4899004 cdr ON OFF ON 2...

Страница 11: ...he OPEN posi tion as the engine warms up 3 5 3 Stopping the engine Set the engine speed lever 1 to the MIN position Turn the engine switch 4 to the OFF position Turn the fuel valve lever 2 to the OFF...

Страница 12: ...of rope for the starting procedure II Take hold of the handle 2 with both hands Pull the starting rope with increasing speed until the motor starts up B3299089 1 MAX B1799202 cdr SCS 2 I II B1799203 c...

Страница 13: ...e Set the engine speed lever 1 to idle MIN Allow the engine to run for 1 2 minutes APR 2220 2620 3020 Press motor stop button 4 until the motor stops running Release the stop button stop button must r...

Страница 14: ...ts Indicator lamp 3 lights to show that the engine is operating Set the engine speed lever 1 to idle MIN Allow the engine to run for 1 2 minutes in order to warm up Attention The ignition key must spr...

Страница 15: ...ts up Turn ignition key to 0 and remove APR 3520 Set the engine speed lever 1 to STOP Charging indicator 4 and oil pressure indicator 5 lights up Turn ignition key to 0 and remove 3 Operation 0 I II 2...

Страница 16: ...Operation II I 0 1 2 MIN MAX B3299050 cdr Attention Operate the machine only at full throttle and turn the machine always in idle position during short rest periods Otherwise Danger of clutch damages...

Страница 17: ...the contact points frame lifting rings be fore use for damage and wear Immediately re place damaged parts Secure the machine against rolling or slipping off and against tipping over Ensure that no per...

Страница 18: ...the machine on to the front edge the undercarriage will swing under the board B3299081 3 2 B3299080 1 Danger During longer work breaks e g at the end of the work day do not place the machine on the tr...

Страница 19: ...e backwards until the ma chine is horizontally seated on the undercarriage The device is ready to be moved After transport hook the undercarriage back into position by proceeding in reverse order 1 Sp...

Страница 20: ...aning the machine with a high pressure water jet do not spray the electrical components directly After washing the components blow dry them with com pressed air in order to prevent surface leakage cur...

Страница 21: ...esidual mineral oil content should be reduced acc to VDMA specification 24 569 MOBIL a Mobilfluid 424 b Mobilfluid 426 Mobil DTE 24 Univis N 46 ATF 220 FUCHS Titan Unic MC Titan ATF 3000 Agrifarm UTTO...

Страница 22: ...o the oil filler neck as shown but do not screw it in then remove it to check the oil level If the oil level is near or below the lower limitmark on the dip stick fill with the recommended oil to the...

Страница 23: ...he foam Wipe dirt from the inside of the air cleaner case and cover us ing a moist rag Be careful to prevent dirt fromentering the air duct that leads to the carburetor Place the foam air filter eleme...

Страница 24: ...p the engine Clean the area around the dipstick 5 Withdraw the dipstick 5 and wipe with a clean fibre free cloth To check the oil screw the dipstick back in and then remove it again Check the dipstick...

Страница 25: ...max 5 bar from the inside outwards until no more dust comes out Care refit filter element 2 Fit cover 1 B5399017 cdr 2 B5399016 cdr 1 B5399018 cdr 2 B5399020 cdr 3 B5399019 cdr max 5 bar Danger Risk o...

Страница 26: ...lubrication is used 5 Maintenance Attention For cleaning do not use any flammable or aggres sive materials When cleaning the machine with a pressure washer do not spray the electrical components di re...

Страница 27: ...mittently the screw connections for tightness Pay attention to the tightening torque 5 7 4 Checking the rubber buffers Check the rubber buffers 1 for tears and outbreaks as well as for secure fit If t...

Страница 28: ...uxiliary tools 6 mm into bores 2 and 3 Tension vee belt by turning clutch halves 2 and 3 in oppo site directions Tension clutch halves 2 and 3 X 10 mm Crank the drive manually and re check tension and...

Страница 29: ...n and top up with oil if necessary 5 Maintenance Important Check change exciter oil when its warm APR 3520 The venting screw 3 must always first be unscrewed when checking the oil level or changing th...

Страница 30: ...ew 1 5 7 9 Hydraulic hose lines 1 Ammann Article No 2 Manufacturer Month and year of manufacture 3 Max operating pressure The function of hydraulic hose lines must be tested at regular in tervals mini...

Страница 31: ...n Move lever to CLOSE position Gap or replace spark plug Dry and reinstall spark plug HONDA HONDA Unless the engine is warm HONDA HONDA Start engine with throttle lever in MAX position Engine stops by...

Страница 32: ......
